busybox httpd file upload

Created: — modified: — tags: bash net linux

busybox has a nice http webserver module, even with cgi support - and you can use it to upload files, too

busybox httpd -vvfp 8000 is a very handy command when you need to quickly spin up a web server to share some files. Another option is python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000.

But what if you need to share some file, and you don't have shell access to it (like, someone's phone)? Then you can just use these two files to quickly upload it to your Linux machine!


<form action=/cgi-bin/post_upload.cgi method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>
File to upload: <input type=file name=file1> <input type=submit>


put this file into the cgi-bin dir.


# POST upload format:
# -----------------------------29995809218093749221856446032^M
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="..."^M
# Content-Type: application/octet-stream^M
# ^M    <--------- headers end with empty line
# file contents
# file contents
# file contents
# ^M    <--------- extra empty line
# -----------------------------29995809218093749221856446032--^M


CR=`printf '\r'`

# CGI output must start with at least empty line (or headers)
printf '\r\n'

read -r delim_line

while read -r line; do
    test x"$line" = x"" && break
    test x"$line" = x"$CR" && break

cat >"$file"

# We need to delete the tail of "\r\ndelim_line--\r\n"
tail_len=$((${#delim_line} + 6))

# Get and check file size
filesize=`stat -c"%s" "$file"`
test "$filesize" -lt "$tail_len" && exit 1

# Check that tail is correct
dd if="$file" skip=$((filesize - tail_len)) bs=1 count=1000 >"$file.tail" 2>/dev/null
printf "\r\n%s--\r\n" "$delim_line" >"$file.tail.expected"
if ! diff -q "$file.tail" "$file.tail.expected" >/dev/null; then
    printf "<html>\n<body>\nMalformed file upload"
    exit 1
rm "$file.tail"
rm "$file.tail.expected"

# Truncate the file
dd of="$file" seek=$((filesize - tail_len)) bs=1 count=0 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

printf "<html>\n<body>\nFile upload has been accepted"

Uploaded files will appear in /tmp/ directory with random numbers. This can be changed, ofc.

from busybox repo.