Login attempts

Created: — modified: — tags: e-mail logs

These are logins and passwords of last 10k login attempts into my server.

All of them failed, because there is no imap/pop/smtp login option on this server at all.

This list was generated by this simple script:

echo '<tr><th>Datetime (UTC)</th><th>proto</th><th>[username]</th><th>[password]</th><th>source IP</th></tr>'
zcat /path/to/auth.log.gz | tail -n10000 | tac | cut -d' ' -f1,3,6,7,9 | sed 's_^_<tr><td>_;s_ _</td><td>_g;s_$_</td></tr>_;s_:_ _'

Where auth.log.gz taken from nginx.