This is spam

Created: — modified: — tags: logs

These are e-mail addresses that sent spam/scam/phishing emails to me.

If you received an email from one of these addresses or asking you to write to one of them - that's a scam and you should ignore and delete their message. Messages from the addresses below were rejected by my spam filter.

This line marks switch from live list (above) to stored data (below)
This line marks switch from sendmail (below) to postfix (above)

Before that, I was just listing emails, without extra data. Also, a month of spam got lost in transition :)

I actually don't know if these addresses belong to real spammers or are just random spoof victums. This list was generated by the following one-line script:

grep 'NOQUEUE.*blocked using' /path/to/postfix/mail.log | sed -r '/from=<>/d;s/^(...) (..) .* RCPT from ([^:]*): .* from=<([^>]*)>( .* helo=<([^>]*)>)*.*/\1@\2@\4<\/td><td>from \3 helo \6/;s/>from unknown\[/>from [/;s/] helo $//' | LC_ALL=C sort -u -t '@' -k 1,1Mr -k 2,2r -k 4 -k 3 | sed -n 's/@/ /; s/@/%/; H; g;/^\(... ..\)\n\1/!{s/.*\n\(.*\)%.*/<tr><td>\1<\/td><\/tr>/;p}; g;s/.*%\(.*\)/<tr><td>\1<\/td><\/tr>/;p; g;s/.*\n\(.*\)%.*/\1/;h'

Messages from the addresses below managed to avoid my spam filter: